マスジド大塚金曜日礼拝ホトバ 要約 (2011年3月18日)




「たとえ、われが彼らに、『身命を捧げなさい。ないし、家から出てゆきなさい。』と命じても、彼らの少数の者の他はそうしなかったであろう。もし、彼らが勧められるように行ったならば、きっと彼らの為にも良いのであり、もっと(信仰が)強まったのだが。」「その時は、わが許から必ず偉大な報酬を授け、」「われは彼らを必ず正しい道に導くのである。」(4章 66--68節)


1 いわゆる善良ということ: 命じられている良いことを実行する善良な人間ということであり、人として好ましく、悪い人間からかけ離れている。

2 信仰心が安定し向上しつつあるということ: 主は、信仰心篤く、信仰の故に善行を行おうとする者を支えて下される。信仰とはアッラーが命令することを実行することであり、アッラーは、そうした者が大きな困難に出会ったなら、現世において正しい道に留まる事が出来るようにして下される。即ち、その者は命令された通りに実行する結果、大きな困難から守られるのである。そして、良いしもべは、それらの命令を好ましいものと感じ、アッラーの命令を実行するのを常とする人間であろうとする。そしてこのことが、その者が正しい道にしっかりと留まり、善行を行おうとする支えとなるのである。

3 アッラーからの報酬:アッラーは、その者に大きな報酬を与えて下される。

4 真っ直ぐな道への導き: その者は真っ直ぐな道から外れることなく現世で幸せと成功を手にし、アッラーは、その者を良い方向へと導き、悪事や危害から遠ざけて下される。


「アッラーと使徒に従う者は、アッラーが恩恵を施された預言者たち、誠実な者たち、殉教者たちと正義の人々との仲間となる。これらは、何と立派な仲間であることよ。」(4章 69節)

「また、わがしもべのイブラーヒーム、イスハーク、ヤーコブを思い起こしなさい。彼らは威力を持ち、洞察力を備えていた。」(38章 45節)








Translation of Khutba (Friday March 18, 2011)
All praise is due to Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions.

Dear respected brothers, there are a lot of kotba but there is a little practicing.
Allah says in the Quran in Surat An Nisaa:
“And if We had ordered them (saying), "Kill yourselves (i.e. the innocent ones kill the guilty ones) or leave your homes," very few of them would have done it; but if they had done what they were told, it would have been better for them, and would have strengthened their (Faith);” (S.4 V.66--69)

Scholar Saadi in his Tafsir says:Allah tells us that if the command was written on slaves to kill themselves or leave your homes they did not do except a few of them, thankful for our Lord who facilitate the orders by the commands that can be done easily by everyone, and not too difficult to do. Then Allah told that if they did what they were advised by: and they did their best, and provided their power to do what they ordered, this will be better for them. And scholar Sadii mentioned four things to happen to them if they did. What happens when we follow the commands of Allah and when we apply and practice what we were advised.
(1) goodness in saying: (it was good for them) ie: they are good people who do good deeds that they ordered, and they are not bad people.
(2) stability and increasing faith, God sustain those who believe and do good deeds because of faith, which is to do what they listen from Allah commands, Allah will keep them on the right way in this life even when Fetna (big problems) comes, they will be save from Fetna because they do what they are ordered. And the good slave is the one who used to do Commands of Allah until he likes these commands and this will support him to be stable on the right way and doing good deeds.
(3) As saying “Allah give them a great reward from Him”
(4) Guidance to the Straight Path. They are have happiness and success in this life and Allah guide them to all that is good and keep them away from all evil and harm.

Dear brothers we should do what we are advised and obey Allah and His Messenger, then the result will be as Allah says in the Quran in Surat An Nisaa:
“Those who obey Allah and the Messenger will be in the company of those on whom Allah has bestowed His Grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqûn, the martyrs, and the righteous. And how excellent these companions are!” (S.4 V.69)
Also Allah says in the Quran in Surat Saad:
“And remember Our slaves, Ibrâh (Abraham), Ishâq (Isaac), and Ya‘qûb (Jacob), (all) owners of strength (in worshipping Us) and (also) of religious understanding.” (S.38 V.45)
They have both knowledge and practicing and this what we should have to be a good muslim.

Dear respected brothers, we have to overcome just listening or admiring kotba or lessons. We just say it is a good words or effective sentence or impressive kotba. We have to overcome this level to the level of doing and practicing. We should say and repeat as companions said we listen and we obey we follow what we are advised. And this have to be by actions and doing not only by tongue. We have to practice advices and do our best to save ourselves in this life and hereafter. Those who listen to the Word and follow the best thereof those are whom Allah has guided and those are men of understanding

O Allah ! Give shifa (cure) to all those who are sick
O Allah ! Give Barakah and Halal Rizk in our business.
O Allah ! Give us Taufiq and strength to serve Islam and Muslims
O Allah ! May Grant us Halal Rizq and safety for Musmims in Japan and all over the world 
O Allah ! Accept us for spreading Islam in Japan and all over the world  Ya Rabbil Aalameen

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