マスジド大塚金曜日礼拝ホトバ 要約 (2010年11月19日)


「アーダムの子孫よ、お前たちは悪魔に惑わされてはならない。悪魔たちが昔お前たちの祖先に、恥ずかしいところを見せる為に彼ら二人の衣装を奪い、楽園から追われたように。彼(悪魔)とその一味は、お前たちの見えない所からお前たちを見ている。誠、われは悪魔を不信心な者たちの友とした。」 (7章 27節)


「『お前の声で、彼らの中の出来る限りの者を動揺させ、お前の騎兵や歩兵で彼らを攻撃しなさい。彼らの財産や子供つくりに力を貸し、うまそうな約束を交わさせよ。』 だが悪魔の約束は欺瞞に過ぎない。」(17章 64節)



「アーダムの子孫よ、悪魔に仕えてはならないとわれはお前たちに命じなかったか。彼(悪魔)はお前たちの紛れもない敵である。」(36章 60節)
「父よ、悪魔に仕えてはなりません。誠、悪魔は慈悲深き御方に逆らう者です。」(19章 44節)

次のハディースを参考とするがよい。「預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は述べられた。『悪魔は、あらゆる小道ででもアーダムの息子を待ち伏せし座っている。イスラームの道の上で人間を待ち伏せし、お前さんがムスリムになるに当たって、爺ちゃんや父さんの宗教を捨てたのかいと声を掛ける。信仰を捨てる様に誘惑した後、アーダムの子孫たちが変革、欲望、疑問の虜になるような別の方法を仕掛けてくる。』」 怒りは、心に対する反逆の行為であり、正常な心と考えを持つ者にとって怒りは平静さを失う原因となる。悪魔はどの様にしてアーダムの子孫を負かすのか。怒ったり、強い欲求を持った時を狙うのである。また悪魔は、金持ちが物惜しみせずに寄付しようとするときには、貧乏に転落すると脅すのである。財産が凄く魅惑的なものであると思わせ、不法な、ないし不道徳な手段で財産を築くように仕向けるのである。


「悪魔は答えた。『あんたが俺を惑わせたので、俺はあんたの正しい道の上で、人々を待ち伏せするのだ。』」「『そして、俺は彼らを、前から後ろから、右からも左からも襲のだよ。あんたは彼らの多くが(あんたの慈悲に対して)感謝しないことが分かることだろうよ。』」(7章 16--17節)


「信仰して主にすがる者に対しては、(悪魔は)如何なる力も持たない。」(16章 99節)


「誠、主を畏れる者は、悪魔が彼らを悩ますとき、(主を)念じれば、たちどころに目を開くだろう。」(7章 201節)



Translation of Khutba シFriday November 19, 2010シ・(Traps of Satan)
Bismillah-r-Rahman-r-RahimW All praises be to Allah, Lord and Sustainer of the worlds, and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and upon his family and companions.

O Muslims, Allah Azza Wa Tabaraka says in the Quran in Suratul Al-A'raf:
"O Children of Adam let not Satan tempt you, as he removed your parents from paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts, indeed he sees you, he and his tribes, from where you do not see them. Indeed We have made the devils, allies to those who do not believe" (S.7 V.27)
Iblis deceives the hearts, minds and the feelings of men in an aggressive battle, that has ‘roaring sounds’ and foot soldiers and horses that are brought for combat.
Allah describes in the Quran in Suratul Isra’:
"And deceive whoever you can among them with your voice, and assault them with your horses, and foot soldiers, and become a partner in their wealth, and their children, and promise them. But Satan doesn't promise them except delusion" (S.17 V.64)
Brothers in Islam, understand these types of tricks from Satan and ponder upon his satanic plans, this is something that is extremely important as it shows the wrong way and the way of salvation; for Allah has guided to both ways and made both paths clear.

Beloved brothers, Satan approaches mankind focusing on his weaknesses. The steps of Satan in tempting mankind gradate until the son of Adam worships Satan besides Allah.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala says in the Quran in Suratul Ya Sin and Suratul Maryam:
"Did I not enjoined upon you, O Children of Adam that you not worship Satan, indeed he is to you a clear enemy" (S.36 V.60)
"O My father don't worship Satan, indeed Satan has ever been to the most merciful disobedient" (S.19 V.44)
In the Hadith, found in the books of Imam An-Nisa’i and Ahmad, the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, "Satan sat, waiting for the son of Adam in all his pathways. He sat for him on the path of Islam and he said do you become a Muslim and leave the religion of your fathers and grand fathers? And after this temptation to become a disbeliever, there are different ways where he takes the sons of Adam into innovation, desires and doubts."
O Brothers anger is an act of rebellious of the mind and for those who are with sound minds and wisdom, anger causes a loss of equilibrium. It is reported, that some of the Prophets said to Iblis. "By what did you defeat the son of Adam?” He said, "At the time of anger and at the time of desire" Also Iblis threatens the rich and makes them fear poverty, if they were intending to give charity and act generously. He makes wealth seem attractive and seeking it through unlawful and immoral means.

The life of the son of Adam passes while he is swimming in an ocean of hopes, while he is indulged on the road of misguidance. Satan promises him falsehood, promises him things that are impossible. The weak soul lives on this promise and enjoys this falsehood and rejoices as young children rejoice (i.e. without thinking of the consequences).
O Muslims, this cursed one - Satan, has taken a covenant upon himself to sit for the son of Adam on all his paths.
Allah says in the Quran in Suratul Al-A’raf:
" Satan said, because you have put me in error, I will surely sit and wait for them on your straight path,””then I will come to them from before them and from behind them, and on their right and on their left and you will not find most of them grateful to you" ( S.7 V.16--17)
Iblis threatened and promised to do that, but his plan and his evil are weak and his plotting will fail. If the servant equips himself with the ‘weapons’of faith and pure belief and is enthusiastic in acts of worship of his Lord and relies on his Lord as Allah says in the Quran in Suratul An-Nahl:
"Indeed there is for him no authority over those who have believed and relied upon their Lord" (S.16  V.99)
He has neither authority nor power over the sincere people who embrace Islamic monotheism, but he has great power and authority for those who take him as allies and disbelieve in Allah.

O Brothers, as clear and as obvious as it is, some believers might slip and fall, thus becoming affected by Satan, his heart becoming afflicted with the whispers of Satan. However, as soon as he seeks the help of his Lord and rushes to Him, remembers Him, and repents to Him, immediately Satan retreats.
Allah says in the Quran in Suratul An-A'raf:
"Indeed those who fear Allah when an impulse touches them from Satan they remember Him and at once they have insight" (S.7 V.201)
Their strong bond and relation with their Lord protects them from following their enemy and the enemy of Allah. The believer rids himself of the whispers and temptations of Satan by the remembrance of Allah, seeking His help and asking for refuge in Him from Satan.

O Allah ! Give us affluence with Your Grace. untill we don’t need favor from any one.
O Allah ! Guide us to the right path. Strengthen our Iman
O Allah ! Give shifa(cure) to all who are sick
O Allah ! Give Barakah and HalalRizk on our business.
O Allah ! Give us Taufiq and strength to serve Islam and Muslims
O Allah ! Provide Halal Rizq to all Muslims in Japan and all over the world
O Allah ! May Grant peace and safety for Musmims in Japan and all over the world 
O Allah ! Accept us for spreading Islam in Japan and all over the world  Ya Rabbil Aalameen
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