マスジド大塚金曜日礼拝ホトバ 要約 (2010年10月8日)


信者たちよ、預言者さまが(祝福と平安を)は、次のように述べられた。「多くの人がちゃんと役立てていない、二つの大層基本的な財産がある。それは健康と自由な時間である。」 此のハディースを通して預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は、健康な時の肉体と、自由時間を正しい役立つ行いの為に使うように奨励されている。同時にまた、その二つの基本的な財産をアッラーへの服従の為にどの様に使うかを知らなければ、大層な損失である事を語っている。そうした人は、これらの基本的な財産を失った後になってから残念に思い、そして、審判の日に、その人は、使わなければ勿体ないその時間を無駄にした事を残念がるのである。一方、健康な時の自由な時間をアッラーへの服従の為に使った者は、来世で幸福を手にする者である。

「…巡礼は、そこに出掛けられる人々に課せられたアッラーへの義務である。拒否する者があっても、誠、アッラーは万有から完全に自足されておられる御方。」(3章 97節)




Translation of Khutba (Friday October 8, 2010) (hajj))
All praise be to Allah, the Most Merciful the Most Gracious.
Dear brothers and sisters, Al-Bukhariyy and others narrated from the route of Ibn ^Abbas (may Allah raise his rank) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ^alayhi wasallam) said: Which means: There are two great endowments which many people are not benefiting from wisely: they are the good health and the free time. In this hadith the Prophet urged us to use our bodies when we are in a good health and our free time in the right and beneficial way. He also showed us the great loss of the one who doesn’t know how to use these two great endowments in obedience to Allah. Such a person will regret after he loses these endowments. On Judgement Day, this person will regret having wasted his time at a time when regret is of no use. On the other hand, the one who has a good health and occupies his free time in obeying Allah will be a happy person in the Hereafter.
Today we want to talk about the Hajj. Allah say in the Quran in Surah Al-Imrán:
"… Pilgrimage is a duty men owe to Alláh; those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of his creatures.." (S.3 V.97)
All Muslims, who have the means to do so, physically and financially, must do the pilgrimage at least once in a lifetime. It is a duty, but not merely a duty. It is an integral part of being Muslim.
For a few precious days we participate in one of the greatest annual events in human history. We complete the rituals whose origins go way back beyond the time of Prophet Muhammad (sws), to the time of Prophet Ibráhím (alyhis salaam) and even further back to the time of Ádam (alayhis salaam). During those momentous days, pilgrims remove their normal clothing, removing all outer signs of nationality, wealth and social status, and everyone wears the same simple sheets of white cloth, ihrám. From the starting point or méqát, they chant those deeply stirring words, labbaik, Allahumma labbaik, labbaik, Here I am, O Alláh, Here I am! They are answering the call of Alláh, which began with the first time they recited their kalima shahádat. Hajj is the response to Alláh’s call, His invitation, to visit His house, at least once before we die.

We then perform tawaaf, walking round the Kaaba, which was purified of idols by Prophet Muhammad (sws) as soon as he returned to Makka from exile in Madina. Praying at maqám Ibrahím, the Place of Prophet Abraham (alayhis salaam) and performing Sa-ai : we remember how his wife Hajar ran in search of water for her son, Ismail. This is how the well of Zamzam was found. To this day, for thousands of years, Zamzam has quenched the thirst of millions who visit the House of Alláh. Later, we make our way to the great plain of ‘Arafát and spend the day of wuqoof in deep and passionate prayer, asking Alláh to forgive us our sins, just as he forgave Adam (alayhis salaam) in that very place, on Jabal Rahma, the Mount of Mercy: We seek atonement for our past sins, and await Alláh’s mercy. After spending a night at Musdalifah, at Mina we throw stones at the Jamra’at. This is an outer expression of our inner resolve, to reject Shaitaan and all that he stands for. The whole experience of Hajj is rich in symbolism and history. We are not mere spectators, but active participants in this prolonged act of worship. When we do our daily prayers, it takes a few minutes of concentrated effort. When we perform Hajj, it takes at least 7 days, and even 10 days to complete.

Some of our brothers and their wives will be making their Hajj this year. They will all be leaving in the next few days. We pray for their safety and good health, May Allah take good care of them on their journey to Makka, Madina and all the Holy Places and when they have completed their Hajj, may Allah return them safely home to us, insha-Allah.
May Allah Most Gracious, also accept this prayer, that each and every one of us here, should find the means and the opportunity, to perform our sacred duty, and complete our own Hajj, at Allah’s invitation, in the near future.

O Allah ! Give us affluence with Your Grace. untill we don’t need favor from any one.
O Allah ! Guide us to the right path. Strengthen our Iman
O Allah ! Give shifa(cure) to all who are sick
O Allah ! Give Barakah and HalalRizk on our business.
O Allah ! Give us Taufiq and strength to serve Islam and Muslims
O Allah ! Provide Halal Rizq to all Muslims in Japan and all over the world
O Allah ! May Grant peace and safety for Musmims in Japan and all over the world 
O Allah ! Accept us for spreading Islam in Japan and all over the world  Ya Rabbil Aalameen
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